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Showing posts from December, 2014


Kindness is not Weakness Why do folk mistake kindness for weakness?   When one recognizes that her act(s) of kindness has been mistaken for weakness, or taken for granted, she questions if she is caught up in pleasing other people at the expense of her spirit.   It may not be easy but practice saying ‘NO’ to the abusing other.    Say it as an exercise—no, I don’t think so, No, NO. NO!   Okay, it’s not what other people think about us it’s how we Love our spirit.    --Ramblin in the New Year

Thumbs Up Reading Corner

PHD (Po H# on Dope) to Ph.D.: How Education Saved My Life by Elaine Richardson, Ph.D.   /New City Community Press, 2013 This raw autobiography explains what happens when a young Black girl fails to see a positive image of herself in the eyes of those she loved, in popular culture, or those in the neighborhood thus eroding her self-esteem and self-perception. She writes, for example: Everytime someone came on TV that had long flowing hair or lightskin, he’d say, “she pretty.”   He would always say, “She ugly” for Black ladies with short natural hair, thick lips, or other African features.   If a lady was dark skinned, her hair had to be flowing and her lips couldn’t be thick for her to get a “she pretty.”   My brother didn’t realize that that meant that I was ugly.   But I did.   One experiences the deep pain felt by Richardson in these pages, particularly, as another Black woman.   Likewise one experiences pride as she battles to emerge from the depths of corruption.   And

Proverb Pondering

During this season I'm waxing sentimental  about   family  and friends.  You may be familiar with some of the proverbs outlined below.   Parents, grandparents, other relatives, neighbors and friends used sayings to teach life’s lessons without being preachy.   Some proverbs weren’t comprehended until adulthood. From time to time I intend to share more proverbs and thought provoking insights.  Mama exhorted her children at every opportunity to “jump at de sun.”   We might not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground.                                                           --Zora Neale Hurston Never be afraid to sit awhile and think.               --Lorraine Hansberry If you don’t have the best of everything, make the best of everything you have.                                                 -- Anonymous The true worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood.                                          --Mary McLeod