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Showing posts from March, 2015

Woman's History Quiz

Match A Woman’s Name to a clue or her Accomplishment Sonia Sotomayor        Sacagawea                            Viola Liuzzo           Jean Quan                             Shirley Chisholm          Louise Erdrich                           Toni Morrison         Malala Yousafzai                   Anita Hill            Frida Kahlo     MichaĆ«lle Jean      Mammy Chloe Wofford? She survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban for advocating for girls to be educated. The youngest person to be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize and the only winner from Pakistan? This award winning Ojibwe woman features Native American characters and settings in her writings.   She recently won the National Book Award for her novel, The Round House ? The first Black woman to serve in the US Congress; the first major party African American candidate to run for President of the US; first woman to run for Democratic Presidential nomination?   She is the first Asian American woman electe

Reading Recommendations

“Seeing the woman as she was made them remember the envy they had stored up from other times.  So they chewed up the back parts of their minds and swallowed with relish.  They made burning statements with questions, and killing tools out of laughs.  It was mass cruelty.  A mood come alive.  Words walking without masters; walking altogether like harmony in a song.”   “It was a weapon against her strength and if it turned out of no significance, still it was a hope that she might fall to their level some day.“            quotes taken from: Zora Neale Hurston,   Their  Eyes Were Watching God *Louise Erdrich, The Round House   ·       Mystery that takes place on a Reservation in North Dakota.   A coming of age story narrated by an Ojibwe boy.   ·       Winner of the National Book Award for Fiction Stuart Scott & Larry Platt, Everyday I Fight ·       ESPN anchor’s dealing with his Cancer Jennifer Tiege, Nikola Sellmair, My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me: A Bl

A Few Bullying Statistics

Teens Most Affected--Bullying Statistics The three hours teens are most affected by bullying:  3 p.m. 5 p.m. 8 p.m. Three days of the week: Friday Tuesday Sunday & Thursday were   tied for third place Top ten states: #1 Vermont                                           #6 Mississippi; #2 Wyoming                                          #7 Missouri #3 Alaska                                               #8 Nevada #4 South Carolina                                 #9 Indiana #5 Rhode Island                                  #10 South Dakota  This information is based on contact with an organization.  These statistics in no way diminish the bullying torment folk receive at any other location and any other time.   Crisis Trends provided by Crisis  (August 2013); also check out,

High School Teen Sexting

If you want to know the end, look at the beginning. –African proverb             Today’s challenge to youthful sexual exuberance is intertwined with an ever-present android or smart phone, pads or other similar electronic devices that can serve as instruments with the ability to convey images that could haunt a teenager for the rest of her or his life.   Sexting, or sex texting, “is basically sending, receiving, or forwarding sexual photos or sexually suggestive messages through text message or email”   (Lohmann, 2013) .    High school teenage sexting is a tragic event that can lead to dire consequences, often, for the too willing participants.  Hormones and  angst are natural conditions teens have experienced for generations. Electronic devices and cyberspace, however, have created a new dimension for teens to explore their relationships and sexuality.   Teenage sexting is illegal. In 2012, PEW provided some interesting statistics about teens and social media.