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Love 4 the Week...?

When we view the film Selma, hear the remaining Freedom Riders speak,  hear our parents or grandparents speak about or see film footage or pictures of individuals involved in the protests for civil rights in the United States from the 1950s to the 1970s we witness a collective group of individuals who were willing to passively confront injustice and die for what they believed. Greater love has no [wo]man than this, that a [wo]man lay down his [or her] life for [her or] his friends.  John 15:13

It takes a special type of ethical, moral character to stand strong and expose or confront violence, abuse and injustice.  Particularly when one could live in a relatively peaceful existence by being compliant yet knowing that others have it worse.  

Popular culture dismisses history and wisdom for what is believed to be the here and now.  Consequently, people are easily misled by false images and false prophets.  Observing human rights abuses around this country I don’t want to be told “see, things are getting better.”  I want and we as a nation should be committed to the betterment of humankind in all aspects of our lives.  In our homes, schools, jobs, families, relationships, communities and world, we should treat people with kindness and consideration—the way we want to be treated.  

After exploiting, using and abusing folk, it is unacceptable and cruel, to constantly reinforce a culture of I’ve got mine you get yours. 

We need the ethical and moral character to outwardly Love.  We need to learn from history and embrace the wisdom of Love.  We need to believe in Love.  We need Love for ourselves and for others even when they don’t Love us… 

Love is not for the  w e a k 


  1. This is SO Right On! For those of us who BELIEVE in a higher power, it's time to put in practice what we talk about!
    Sometimes its not easy to change things, but if you yourself are doing the right thing, you can always express your opinion when you feel an injustice has been done. It will make you a target for scrutiny, especially in the work place, but there's when your faith comes in. Yahweh will provide! Allah will provide!
    We (and I especially mean including me myself) MUST remember to speak out! We must "Keep our Eyes on the Prize"! EQUALITY!


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