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Showing posts from February, 2015

50 Years Ago Today Malcolm X was Assassinated

2/21     The assassination of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, better known as Malcolm X occurred 50 years ago today, on a Sunday, February 21, 1965 at New York City’s Audubon Ballroom.   Professor Peniel E. Joseph concludes, in his article, titled “50 Years After His Assassination, Malcolm X’s Message Still Calls Us to Seek Justice,” that “… the struggle for black liberation continues with nationwide protests that recall the tumultuous 1960s, when Malcolm’s message of uncompromising struggle frightened white and black political leaders alike.   Today’s rising activists, who boldly demand an end to racial and economic injustice beyond token political reforms, are channeling the best part of Malcolm’s legacy—one that, even in the face of death, cries out for justice by any means necessary.”   This would be a great time to do further exploration on Malcolm and his message for yourself.   Begin with “Malcolm X’s Advice to the Youth”.   (

Eeegad A Match Made Where?

WE TV’s “Match Made in Heaven” promotes the devaluation of heterosexual women’s self-respect.   I’m probably shocked at this program, or is it a game show, because I’ve never seen a televised bachelor spectacle before.   It’s really sad to witness dozens of young women collectively vie for the attention of one man.   They dress to expose their physical assets, utter what they think he wants to hear, and, when given an opening, stab another sister in the back expecting to ingratiate herself into the loving favor of the only single heterosexual man on the show. To determine their worthiness, the bachelor gives the women particular tasks to perform.   Apparently he is worthy of having a multitude of women to play his games because he is a single, heterosexual, handsome, financially well-off, muscular, African American male who also includes his mother and pastor in determining the possible future gift of being his “Mrs.”    Before the final decision is made, it appears he is fre

A Quiz for Black History Month

1. Who wrote The Mis-education of the Negro?   2. New York’s Schomburg Library is named after the originator of Negro History Week.    True    False 3. The author of the novel The Bluest Eye is?      A) J. California Cooper    B)Alice Walker   C) Toni Morrison   D) none 4. W. C. Fields described this man as the greatest comic that ever lived.    A) Bert Williams     B)Bob Hope     C) Sambo     D) Rosemond Johnson 5. Madame C. J. Walker invented the straightening comb.   True   False 6. Who organized and led the Brotherhood of the Sleeping Car Porters, the first predominantly Black labor union?   A) Coleman Young    B) Malcolm Little    C) A. Philip Randolph      D) Harold Washington 7. What is the name of the activist, investigative feminist journalist who refused to give up her seat on a train, documented lynching in the U.S., whose life was threatened if she returned to Memphis Tennessee, and she published Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases , an

Movie Buffs Quiz

1.       Name the actor who played the role of Brutus Jones in the classic film The Emperor Jones ? 2.       Who played the character of Georgia Brown in the film Cabin in the Sky? 3.       Denzel Washington has two Academy Awards.                    True           False 4.       This woman performed on Broadway, became the toast of France, performing in French films such as Tam Tam, although she is an unsung decorated hero in France she traveled a long way from St. Louis poverty, in which she was born, but will probably be remembered for her Banana Dance.     5.       “This is for the brothers who ain’t here…” is a famous line from what 1970s coming of age film?   Hint, as Cochise pours libations he says this to the other folk present. 6.       This film brought rap music to a mass audience and includes such musical numbers as RUN-DMC’s “King of Rock” and “It’s Like That,” Shelia E’s “A Love Bizarre” and “Holly Rock.” 7.       Identify the queen of Blaxploita